Oak Creek Head Coach Joe Koch Officially Resigns
After over two weeks of rumors and speculation the future of Oak Creek head football coach Joe Koch was officially decided on Monday morning. According to a news brief released in the online version of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal a meeting between Koch and Superintendant Sara Larsen on Friday led to the resignation of Koch.
Koch has been under fire as of late following a WIAA investigation that turned up lillegally falisified documents for athletes whom transferred to Oak Creek from Milwaukee Public Schools. As a result of the investigation Oak Creek was stripped of it's 2006 boys state track championship when athletes Victor Reynolds and Robert Lee were found ineligible. Reynolds and another yet-to-be-named athlete were also given a 365-day atheltic ban, effectively ending Reynolds high school sports career.
According to WIAA deputy director Dave Anderson the investigation will remain open for the next year, and any new findings could alter the punishments already given to any of the athletes. If more information comes to light the district may provide additional suggestions to fix them.
Assistants Chris Littmann and JJ Kotarak had previously resigned from the staff, sparking widespreads rumors on various internet message boards. According to New Berlin Eisnhower head coach Clint Grochowski, Littmann will likely join the him on the staff at Eisenhower. Kotarak is apparantly considering joining head coach Steve Madden on the staff at Cudahy High School. All four coaches were teammates on Cudahy's 1994 Division 2 State Championship team.